Triple Ready

"You can't be fat and fast, too; so lift, run, diet and work"

are you breathing properly

Breathing seems like such a natural act but have you once thought that you could be breathing wrongly?

Here’s how to practice breathing correctly:
-engage your abs as you breathe
-practice belly breathing by lying flat on the back with a book on stomach, inhale as the book rises, then lower the book by exhaling slowly
-breathe with belly rises and falls as when you inhale and exhale

Breathing correctly is also fundamental in training. Here’s how:
-exhale while using strength
during weight lifting (Valsalva maneuver technique):
1. inhale on the easy part
2. hold breath for just a short second as you approach the hardest part
3. Exhale upon completing the move.
Practice makes perfect so breathe away (correctly, that is)!