Triple Ready

"You can't be fat and fast, too; so lift, run, diet and work"

november 12 2014 | Tripleready:: Read all about lastest fitness tips and News

See that little yellow ball I’m sitting on? This is what we do when it rains. Here my coach Ilona is getting me to work on trigger points to release muscle tension and fatigue. MMA fighters do this during their sessions. Try it–it’s tough! Prize goes to anyone who can keep a straight face smile emoticon

We were on court doing drills when the clouds broke. I was sweating so much and there was so much sudden wind, I pulled on my sweater on to keep warm and keep working.

I’ve learnt through the years it’s so important to keep warm especially when you’re training.

Keeping warm gives your body a friendlier environment and a natural incentive to keep working/staying in optimal condition. Something as simple as pulling your sweater on, can go a long way.